Public Notices
The Port Angeles School District is seeking proposals for hardware to support our educational technology initiatives. There are two separate requests: One for Ruckus Access Points and the other for Cisco Switching equipment. The specific requirements are detailed in the RFP. Proposals are due by February 3rd.
There is an uptick of pneumonia cases, covid cases are still holding on since last month, and RSV/ pneumonia season will soon be here. Keep student home if they have fever, diarrhea, emesis or severe coughing.
The Influenza season is here and it is recommended that all students and staff receive your annual flu vaccine.
Port Angeles School District provides this annual notification to keep parents/guardians, students, staff and community members informed of any pesticide application.
The Port Angeles School District applies pesticides as needed throughout the year. Pesticides are only utilized when it is determined that no alternative treatment will be successful. As much as possible, the district relies on an environmentally sensitive, common-sense approach to pest control that focuses on custodial practices, landscaping, and other preventive measures. The district approach to pest control is devoted to removing the root causes of landscape and structural pest infestations and only calls for the use of pesticides as a last resort.
Port Angeles School District is seeking applications from residents within the District interested in being appointed to committees to write the for/against statements for the Clallam County Local Voters’ Pamphlet related to the District’s following ballot measures to be considered at the November 5, 2024 General Election: (1) Proposition No. 1 – Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy; and (2) Proposition No. 2 – Bonds to Replace and Renovate Deteriorating Schools and Improve Safety. Interested residents should send their name, address, phone number and which position they represent to: Casey McDonald, Executive Assistant to Superintendent, Port Angeles School District, 905 W. 9th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98363 or via email at by July 24, 2024. The Board will take action on the appointments at its July 25, 2024 regular board meeting.
The agenda for the Thursday, June 13th PASD Regular Board Meeting is now live on BoardDocs for you to review.
Lincoln Center, 905 W 9th Street - 208; Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m.
The agenda for the Thursday, May 23rd PASD Regular Board Meeting is now live on BoardDocs for you to review.
Port Angeles High School - 304 Park Ave - Library; Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m.
- Please notice the change in location.
The agenda for the Thursday, May 9th PASD Regular Board Meeting is now live on BoardDocs for you to review.
Lincoln Center, 905 W 9th Street - 208; Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m.
The agenda for the Tuesday, May 7th PASD Special Board Meeting is now live on BoardDocs for you to review.
Lincoln Center, 905 W 9th Street - 208; Special Meeting 5:00 p.m.
The intent of this meeting is to provide the school board with an opportunity to offer feedback on the upcoming budget for the 2024-25 School Year. Kira Acker, Director of Finance and Operations, will share information regarding forecasted 2024-25 enrollment, current revenue predictions based on the prototypical funding model, and facilitate budget discussions.
The agenda for the Thursday, April 25th PASD Board Meeting is now live on BoardDocs for you to review.
Lincoln Center, 905 W 9th Street - 208; Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m. – Executive Session to follow Regular Meeting.
PASD Board of Directors Special Meeting
Friday, April 5, 2024 – 11:00 a.m.
There will be a quorum of the PASD Board of Directors attending a Special Board Meeting on Friday, April 5, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the Lincoln Center in room 208. (905 W 9th Street)
This Special Board Meeting is open to the public with no community comments.
To view the agenda on BoardDocs: