Bus Routes
Pupil Transportation Center
627 Monroe Road
Port Angeles, WA 98362
: (360) 452.9714
: (360) 452-5935
Monday - Friday, 6:00 a - 4:30 p
2024-2025 Bus Route Information
AM/PM Bus Routes for Elementary
- Dry Creek Elementary
- Franklin Elementary
- Hamilton Elementary
- Jefferson Elementary
- Roosevelt Elementary
- The Ridge
Bus Routes for Middle School and High School
Inclement Weather
In preparation for a weather event to impact the school day, there are many factors taken into consideration when deciding whether to close schools for the day. This decision considers road conditions, walking routes to schools, and the day’s forecast. Families should take their own situation into account when deciding whether their child should attend school or not. It is always our goal to keep schools open and on time, but safety comes first.
It is extremely important for each family to develop an alternate plan if the normal school day is adjusted for safety. Students must understand parents/guardians’ expectations in the event of an emergency schedule change. (Please have a plan in place for your children if a two-hour delay or schedule change is made, especially if you leave before the school bus arrives.)
Two Hour Delay Information
A two-hour delay will mean that your bus will be at each stop two hours later (7:05 a.m. would become 9:05 a.m.) If a two-hour delay occurs on a Wednesday, buses will run on a regular-day schedule, just two hours late.
In a late start situation, there will be no preschool programs. After-school programs, extracurricular activities, and special events are on hold until a determination is made by the Superintendent and Athletic Director.
Early Closure:
If the weather becomes inclement after school has started, a decision may be made to close school early. At the elementary level, students will not be released from school until direct contact has been made with an adult authorized on the student’s enrollment form.
How to Learn of School Closures:
School closure information is broadcast throughout the day on Radio KONP 1450 AM, and on most Seattle area TV (Channels 4, 5, 7 and 13). This information is also available on the school district website at www.portangelesschools.org.
When School Closure Decisions Are Made:
Depending on weather conditions, decisions to close school or transition to a distance learning day are usually made by 5:00 a.m. and generally out to the news media by 5:30 a.m.
If buses cannot run regular routes, a Snow Schedule will be broadcasted. The limited bus changes will only affect those living in our mountain areas (Upper Mt. Pleasant, Black Diamond, Ennis Creek, Eden Valley, Dan Kelly, Herrick, Bluffs Area, Lake Dawn area, Deer Park and O’Brien Roads). These limited areas could also be affected for the return routes after school. Stay tuned to Radio KONP 1450 AM or TV during snow days.
Maintaining an accurate bus schedule in inclement weather is difficult. Because of problems with schedules on these days, please have your children dress appropriately for the cold weather to allow them to wait safely and comfortably.
Boundary Map
Interactive Boundary Map for Port Angeles School District (Google Maps)