Back to School Info
First Day of School
Tuesday, September 5, 2023, is the first school day for grades 1 – 12 at all Port Angeles School District schools.
Friday, September 8, 2023, is the first day of Kindergarten. Kindergarten Orientation is September 5,6, and 7.
Please note, there are new start times for schools this year. We will continue to have a one-hour late start on Wednesdays for all grade levels. Please consult School Start and End Times on the District website by clicking here.
Bus routes for the school year can be found Bus Schedules
For grade-specific school supply lists, click here!
Student documents for the beginning of the school year:
- CEP Letter to Families
- Family Income Survey
- Choice Transfer Form
- Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-Based Instruction
- GED (General Education Development) Application
Open Houses
You are invited to attend your student's school open house the following days. Please note that your student's school will communicate the open house times closer to the date.
- Stevens Middle School, September 19
- Hamilton, September 21
- Franklin, September 26
- Roosevelt, September 28
- Port Angeles High School, September 28
- Lincoln High School, October 3
- Seaview, October 4
- Dry Creek, October 5
- Jefferson, October 5