Print your W-2 Online
Print Your W-2 Online
Go to the Skyward Employee Access.
Login to Skyward. If you do not remember your Login ID or Password click the “Forgot your Login/Password” link and enter your district email address. This will generate an email to your district email account with a link to reset your password and your login ID..
Be sure to select “Employee Access” from the Login Area dropdown menu.
A new window will launch for you to access employee information.
Select “Employee Information” Tab.
Now Choose “W2 Information” from the “Payroll” menu.
Click the “View W2 Form” button.
Enter your social security number (format example 111-11-1111) and select “Print”.
Finally, select “Open” from the save dialog and the W2 will open as a PDF on your computer and can be saved or printed from here.