Community Facility Rentals
The Port Angeles School District board of directors subscribes to the belief that public schools are owned and operated by and for the community. The public is encouraged to use school facilities, but will be expected to reimburse the district for such use to ensure that funds intended for education are not used for other purposes.
The Superintendent is authorized to establish procedures for use of school facilities, including rental rates, supervisory requirements, restrictions, and security. Those using school facilities will maintain insurance for accident and liability arising out of the use of District facilities of not less than $1,000,000 and naming the District as an additional insured. The Superintendent or his or her designee may waive such insurance.
How to Make Inquiries/Arrangements for Rental and/or Use of Facilities
- Read through Community Use of School Facilities, Policy 4260, and Procedure 4260P.
- Determine your use priority after reading Policy 4260:
- District Programs and District Sponsored Programs.
- School Associated Organizations and Foundations.
- Community Non-Profit, School Associated.
- Public Entities.
- Community Non-Profit Group Use.
- Commercial For Profit Use.
- Review current Facility Use Fee for available facilities and use group fees.
- If applicable, please complete Compliance Statement for HB 1824, Youth Sports-Head Injury & Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
- Review/Complete Application and Permit for Use of School Facilities form. Return both pages of completed application, proof of insurance and sports head injury forms as noted below:
- For Port Angeles Performing Arts Center (PAHS Auditorium), send application to Principal Jeff Lunt via fax number 360.452.0256. For further information, contact directly by phone, 360.565.1513.
- For playfields and gyms, send application to Nolan Duce via fax number 360.452.0267. For further information, contact him directly by phone, 360.457.0949.
- For all other schools and facilities, send application to Karen Casey via fax number 360.457.0795. For further information, contact her by phone, 360.565.3755.
- After facility use is approved, an application copy will be mailed back to you.