2020 EP&O Levy
2020 Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy
A stable tax rate for our community that also addresses the educational needs of all students in Port Angeles School District is a primary goal of planning the renewal levy for the November 3, 2020 election. Our local levy dollars, when approved by voters, provide funds that stay in our district and help our students.
School support levy is not a new tax. It is a replacement of the one that will expire end of year 2021. As you know, schools are not fully funded by the state. The proposed EP&O levy rate is $1.50 per $1,000 assessed property value, which is a reduction from the 2018 $3.01 EP&O levy rate. The levy duration is four years, with a yearly projected amount of $5.6 million.
Districts rely on voter-approved levies to bridge the funding gap and pay for what our students need. In Port Angeles, the EP&O funds services and programs that are either not funded or not fully funded by Washington State. These services and programs include music education, athletics, student support services (counselors, nurses, mental health needs, etc.), student transportation, special education, and more. EP&O levies are critical to the health and safety of our schools.
All students should be given the same opportunities regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or family income. This funding will ensure all students in Port Angeles School District have the same opportunities to learn, grow and succeed. Local levy funding allows us to provide the quality education our community expects for our children, which goes beyond the minimum funded by the state.
2020 Renewal EP&O Levy Mailer
Use the arrows in the top right corner of the slideshow to move between pages for the mailer. You can also click the link below to view the entire mailer as a pdf.